
A scraper to access Yahoo Finance data

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Yahoo Finance Scraper

Yahoo Finance discontinued their official API, but data can still be accessed. This project exposes that data as a Java project. There is an Example included which is intended to show how to access data relevant to a specific company.

To get started, clone the project and run:

./gradlew build

To try it out, run this command

./gradlew run

It will output Yahoo’s recommendation mean for a couple of stocks.

The Example for code looks like this:

    for (String symbol : args) {

      YahooFinanceUrlBuilder builder =
          new YahooFinanceUrlBuilder().modules(YahooFinanceModules.values()).symbol(symbol);

      YahooFinanceRequest request = new YahooFinanceRequest();

      YahooFinanceData financeData = request.getFinanceData(request.invoke(builder));

      if (financeData.getFinancialData() != null) {
        FinancialData financials = financeData.getFinancialData();

        System.out.println(symbol + ": currentPrice: $" + financials.getCurrentPrice().getRaw()
            + "; recommendationMean " + financials.getRecommendationMean().getRaw());

Which will output something like this:

fb: currentPrice: $198.2235; recommendationMean 1.8
amzn: currentPrice: $1723.34; recommendationMean 1.7
baba: currentPrice: $208.42; recommendationMean 1.7